030 紫燻涼膏(鐵盒)x3
紫燻膏/紫燻涼膏 12g±2g
成分: 客家手工燻油、天然蜂蠟、麻油、紫草、薄荷、當歸
用途:滋潤、舒緩皮膚不適、刮痧按摩、舒壓 (請參考說明)
早期客家婦女智慧結晶 昔日女兒出嫁必備嫁妝
In early days, most camphor producers were Hakka people. Intelligent Hakka women extracted oil from peanuts and sliced roots of camphor tree to be buried in the soil before smoldering with rice husks for three days to complete ”Hakka Hand-Made Smoked Camphor” that presents the Hakka women’s gem of wisdom in early years as the girls’ dowry in the past. This very special grandma’s precious gift was Taiwan’s traditional baby oil and hair and skin care product widely-used in early days